There are millions of choices when it comes to making websites. You can hire a freelance web designer, or you can choose from the gazillion do it yourself web builder tools or you can hire a web design agency.
But, no matter what you choose, you simply cannot ignore WordPress. It powers over 25% of the websites on Internet. Its popularity grew so much in the past decade due to its simplicity and flexibility.
As a web designer, I can say that 99% of my clients want to make their website on a WordPress no matter if they are individuals or businesses. People like WordPress because it is probably the best available CMS(content management system) in the world. CMS means that you as a user can edit and modify your site without touching a single piece of code. Modifying the content of your site is as simple as logging on your site and then clicking few buttons. It is as easy as logging into Facebook.
Since WordPress became so popular, developers started making themes and plugins for it, and currently, there are millions of plugins and themes available for WordPress. This means nearly all of your needs can be fulfilled by installing some plugin or theme. It is similar to how you install apps on your smartphone to increase its functionality.
WordPress Themes
There are tonnes of themes available for photography sites in WordPress. We are sure you will find something similar to what you need. All you have to do is search online for a good theme which comes as close to your needs as possible. Install it and then tweak it.
WordPress Plugins
You need plugins for the gallery, contact page, booking, SEO etc. You can easily find these plugins in the WordPress repository. Some themes come along with the required plugins too.
Since WordPress is so widely used, there are millions of forums catered just for helping people with WordPress questions. You can easily find answers to any of your doubts/issues by just googling it. If you do not want to do it yourself, then you can easily hire a web developer who is specialised in WordPress. Nowadays, it is super easy to find such a developer.
There is no reason to not choose WordPress for your photography site. There are hundreds of thousands of photographers who use WordPress for their websites.
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