
PhotographyWordPressThemes.com was started for a simple reason. There are a gazillion photography WordPress themes out there, but only a few of them were any good. I am a web designer and a photographer. I encounter badly made photography websites all the time. And, I have build lot of photography oriented websites, so I thought it would be a good idea to share my knowledge with the world in this niche category.

When you search for “Photography WordPress Themes” in Google, all you see are sites which list the best themes, but the truth is that these lists are ‘paid listing’ and is not truly the best WordPress themes out there. If a company contacts them and pays $500 or good affiliate commission, they add their theme to the list and if a company or developer doesn’t have the money to pay, then they simply will not add your theme to the list even if you have made the best WordPress theme on the planet.

This creates an unfair advantage to those who can afford to be on that list. And, also gives the user a poor experience by having to deal with poorly build themes. So, I decided to challenge this system by creating my own site which will eventually list WordPress themes in the photography category. I don’t think I will be able to compete with the biggies of this industry, and this will probably be a futile attempt, but I really want to give it a try. Hoping for the best.

If I am successful, one day you may end up reading this post, but if I fails then you are unlikely to ever reach this page unless you are a competitor or a developer checking out this site.